What you'll learn in this course

Welcome to the Hormone Health 101 Course!

I am your host and instructor Dr. Halie Schoff. I am a trained chiropractor with a Masters of Science in Applied Clinical Nutrition. I have always been fascinated with how the body works and how we can optimize our health through natural, holistic means. When I went through my own hormone journey, I dug into the literature and found so many missing pieces that I wanted others to know.

So many women struggle with hormonal imbalances and might not even know it! Our hormones are a huge pillar of our health and my goal is to make you more educated on what they are, how they work and also help you look at root cause reasons why they might be off or not balanced properly.

This course will take a dive into some very important topics but I challenge you to always be learning and be researching even after completing this course!

I am so happy to have you here and I cannot wait to have you learn things that changed my hormone health and overall wellness for the better!

If you have questions at any time, please comment them on the video modules.

-Dr. Halie


  1. This course is not intended to cure or treat disease. Please consult your doctor for personalized medial advice
  2. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your physician.

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