Does this sound familiar? This course is for you if you experience any of the following....

  • Painful periods
  • Heavy periods
  • Hormonal acne
  • Issues loosing weight
  • Brain fog
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Trouble getting pregnant
  • Low energy
  • Missing libido

These are all very common but NOT NORMAL symptoms caused by hormone disruption. Good news is, all of these will be addressed with ways that you can take action!

Optimal Health Starts With


In latin, Doctor means teacher.

My goal as a practitioner is to teach you how to be empowered to take your health into your own hands.

The more we know, the better we can be.

My goal from creating this course is to teach you all of the things that I think women should know on how to harness the power of our hormones and eliminate PMS, hormonal acne, bloating, irritability, infertility and any other issues that we thought just came with the tag line of "being a women".

You will walk away from this course with a whole new mindset on how to approach health as a lifestyle and I am so excited for you.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Get to the ROOT cause

In my clinical consults with patients and remote clients, I have found common themes and areas of health that need to be addressed in order to manage the root cause issues so that you can obtain optimal and thriving health!

I designed this course to work through all of the important things that I think that you need to know so that you can finally go out and take action! You will walk away from this course with tangible and actionable steps you can take to start seeing results and improvement in your health.

The best part is, this content never expires and you will ALWAYS have access so you can refer back as needed! You can also work through this course at your own pace.

What the students saying?

"With your course I was able to get more normal cycle, ovulate and conceive!"


"From your recommendations in the course I am down 10lbs and sleeping well. Not painful periods and barley any bloating"


"I finally understand how my period and hormones work! I feel so empowered to take my health and hormones into my own hand. Thank you Dr. Halie!"
